Virtual Resources

Since March 2020, the world as we have known it has experienced a drastic shift in what is considered “normal.” We miss in-person human connections, sharing our struggles with those who have had similar experiences, and engaging in our previous routines that helped shaped who we were or wanted to become. Fortunately for those struggling with substance abuse, the community has risen up to the occasion, with online support and meetings have exploded in popularity. We have developed a list of resources to help aid those struggling along their path to recovery.


For online resources providing information, exercises, guides, and additional at-home support for substance abuse, please check out these options:

Treatment services by state:

In addition to online resources that local groups may offer, families and individuals in need of support, information, and connectedness have many free online and phone-based options that include the following:

Treatment services locator:

Adding to the array of online resources are podcasts available to families, including:

  • Center for Motivation and Change: The Beyond Addiction Show (with Dr. Josh King)

  • Hazelden Betty Ford- Let’s Talk: Addiction and Recovery Podcasts (with William Cope Moyers)

  • Trauma, the Subconscious Brain and Helping the Next Human Along with Dr. Robb Kelly

  • RecoveryPeople: a Texas-based state network, connects people in recovery from substance use issues to their peers and allies across agencies, communities, and fellowships. Their podcast series is produced by people in recovery and was first broadcast in 2012. RecoveryPeople covers a wide range of recovery-based topics for a variety of populations.

  • Bubble Hour: co-hosted by four sober women and presents stories, interviews, and conversations designed to give listeners a sense of community and break down the stigmas associated with alcoholism and addiction. Their ultimate mission is to inform and educate, while encouraging people to seek help without feeling isolated or ashamed.

  • That Sober Guy. Host Shane, a recovering alcoholic, interviews a mix of celebrity guests and everyday people who have experienced addiction or felt the impact of drug and/or alcohol use. He focuses on living a positive, healthy, and sober lifestyle, and uses his podcast as a platform for sharing inspiration for others who want to live the same way. Listen to the latest episodes from.

  • Recovery Radio broadcasts live every Saturday but is also available for download online, so it can be listened to like a podcast. In fact, Recovery Radio is one of the station’s most downloaded radio programs. This weekly podcast focuses on addiction, treatment, and recovery, and features a rotating panel of addiction and mental health experts with a variety of specialties.

  • AfterPartyPod is a weekly podcast associated with AfterParty Magazine. This weekly podcast highlights a wide variety of figures in the entertainment industry – musicians, actors, comedians, and writers – who have experience with addiction, sobriety, recovery, and mental illness. Notable past guests include Dr. Drew and Moby.

  • Clean and Sober Radio features real stories about addiction and recovery. Rehab After Work is proud to be one of the show’s partner. You can regularly hear Rehab After Work employees on the program. Live episodes air Friday afternoons. Clean and Sober Radio wants those struggling with alcohol or drug addiction to know that help is available.

  • A Mindful Emergence takes an in-depth look at evidence-based treatments and therapies for those recovering from addiction, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other mental health disorders. 

Most Alcoholic Anonymous meetings have transitioned to an online video format. Below are two spreadsheets listing meetings, along with the link and password. The first spreadsheet is composed of Worcester and the surrounding towns, and the second spreadsheet has meetings located all across Massachusetts.

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